Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Flamerobin Building instructions for Windows 10 (Visual Studio) x64

I will follow the instructions from BUILD.txt

Download Visual Studio community edition

Download and unzip wxwidgets 3.x.x in C:\wxwidgets

Open solution wx_vc1x.sln in Visual Studio 
Click build solution (Debug and x64)

Download boost 1.7x.x  (Unzip it)
open cmd.exe
cd boost_1_7x_x

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"

b2 install address-model=64 link=static --prefix=c:\boost

I copy pasted (in explorer) boost folder from 

c:\boost\include\boost-1_xx\ to 

Enter flamerobin source dir

For Windows you must also set a BOOST_ROOT environment variable which points to the Boost root directory You also need to set a BOOST_LIB_DIR environment variable which points to the directory where the Boost libraries are. c:\boost\lib

For include files i had to move generated includes to match this directory include c:\boost\boost\*hpp

nmake -f WXDIR=c:\wxwidgets FINAL=0 USEDLL=0

Alternative way open flamerobin solution
Change Active config to Release Dynamic |x64

Install InnoSetup if you wan't to create the installer


Unknown said...


I allready create environnement variable "WXWIN" to wxWidgets 3.1.x folder.

I try to build flamerobin into visualstudio, but i always get errors :
unable to open source file "wx/wxprec.h" and "wx/wx.h".

I son't understand error.

Unknown said...


When i try to compile flamerobin with visualstudio 2017, i get a error with wxWidgets.
errors : wx/wx.h and wx/wxprec.h unable to find source file.

I did the environnement variable WXWIN to the wxWidgets folder.

I don't understand this error