Thursday, June 01, 2006

Firebird Ultimate Appliance (Apache + Firebird + Ubuntu Linux + PHP+Flamerobin)

1.Firebird Appliance contains LAMP like kit to easy start programming in php and working with firebird (Two administration tools were included in the virtual machine)

2.Create Ultimate Firebird Vmware Machine (How it was created)

Download vmware workstation or the player
then the ubuntu vmware machine (You need to unzip it on one folder and load it in vmware)

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
decoment the universe lines

and comment the first line (with cdrom)

sudo apt-get update

apt-cache search firebird

sudo apt-get install firebird2-super-server firebird2-examples firebird2-dev firebird2-utils-super ibwebadmin libfirebird2-super

when asked for SYSDBA password put it :masterkey

See if firebird is started:
ps awwx | grep firebird

Load in firefox browser

Write in the "Login to Database" field
And in the password field:masterkey

Go to the sql tab and run this query
select * from employee;
Click on "Execute" button then on "Show Output"

you can tweak the ibwebadmin config
cd /var/www/ibwebadmin/inc

sudo vi and change these variables
define('DEFAULT_DB', 'employee.fdb');
define('DEFAULT_PATH', '/var/lib/firebird2/examples/');

Next we will install flamerobin db admin tool:
Go to -> Download

Choose the lastest released kit flamerobin

tar -jxvf Desktop/flamerobin-0.7.1-gtk2.tar.bz2
rm Desktop/flamerobin-0.7.1-gtk2.tar.bz2
sudo apt-get install make libpng3
cd flamerobin-0.7.1-gtk2
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
register the same database as we did for ibwebadmin
Display name: employee example
Database path:/var/lib/firebird2/examples/employee.fdb
Click on "SAVE" then double click on the "employee example" in the left tree

You can click on "Tables -> Select * from ..."

3. Using Firebird Database with debian : there are several documentation links on the web
for python
for php
debian small howto

4. flamerobin is under expat
firebird - IDPL (Mozilla based license)
ubuntu - free to share and modify philosophy


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1 comment:

Popa Adrian Marius said...

that is the second appliance i have created (monodevelop and lazarus are included in the new one)