Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Festivus and a great New,Year.:)

We wish you all a Happy Festivus and a great New Year

~Flamerobin developers team~
..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

FlameRobin ebuild for Gentoo

William L. Thomson is working on it

..:: ::..:: ::..:: ::..

Friday, December 16, 2005

flamerobin 0.4.8 binary snapshots

Are available for Linux and Windows.

Please download and test. If there aren't any serious bugs, we will make
0.5.0 release soon.

If anyone wants the sources, use the tag: "dev_0_4_8".

Milan Babuskov
..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Flamerobin mentioned in Firebird article (Entwickler Magazin)

"Also in the range of the administration tools comes with "FlameRobin" [ 3 ] somewhat directly from the Firebird project. It concerns here a CROSS platform tool for the administration of a Firebird data base. FlameRobin however still is in an early development stage. For the professional development of Firebird data bases I recommend further the use of third manufacturer products to you such as DATA cousin Workbench [ 4 ] or IBExpert [ 5 ]."
You can read babelfish translation or original article (in german)

..:: ::..:: ::..

Friday, December 09, 2005

Flamerobin - new feature (in 0.4.5)

Advanced Metadata search : if you want to search "foo" in all metadata items
you can do so with the search edit , the tree will jump to "foo" item ( works like
find bar in firefox)

..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

flamerobin/firebird mention on

"Firebird is an open source, embeddable (within other applications) SQL database that grew out of Borland Interbase. The project includes a database engine, ODBC driver, "Jaybird" native class 4 JCA-JDBC driver, .NET data provider, and extensive documentation and testing materials. A related "FlameRobin" project aims to provide a graphical interface assembled from open source components."

Read full article on

..:: ::..:: ::..

Installing Firebird 1.5 on osx 10.4 (in spanish)

Flamerobin is mentioned:
"Para interactuar con sus Bases de datos de manera grafica les recomiendo flamerobin es excelente :)"
Instalando Firebird CS 1.5 en OS X 10.4

..:: ::..:: ::..

Saturday, November 19, 2005

FlameRobin on Solaris

[ed: response letter to bjoern.reimer]

We met at the Firebird conference. You said that your (or some of your
coleagues) are interested in FlameRobin on Solaris.

I don't know if you tried it yet, but here's a brief overview. You need
to build wxWidgets first, and then FlameRobin. You can obtain wxWidgets
from As I understand it has already been ported to
Solaris, so there shouldn't be much problem, just follow the
instructions in "docs" folder. You should use at least wxWidgets version
2.6.0 or any higher. Please use wxAll package, as others probably don't
have all the files needed for Solaris.

After you built and installed wxWidgets, you need also to build the
wxSTC component (wxStyledTextControl) that we use for SQL editor. It is
usually done by going into "contrib/src/stc" and running "make" and
"make install" in there.

Here's how I do it on Linux and FreeBSD, it shouldn't be much different
on Solaris:

[unpack wx sources and enter that directory]
make install
cd contrib/src/stc
make install

The ./configure script has many options, where you can choose whether
you want the debug or release version, enable or disable Unicode, etc.
Here are the most important ones:


There are some defaults, but if you want to make sure, then add the
appropriate --enable or --disable switch. Using:

./configure --disable-unicode --disable-shared

should be a safe bet. I'm not sure if Solaris uses Gtk, so you better
skip that and leave it to autodetection.

Next, you need to build FlameRobin. You can either use 0.4.0 source
available for download from the website, or the latest CVS version. I
recommend CVS as it has many fixes. Our CVS tree is still in the old
"fbmanager" project at (yes, we *do* need to move it
over to flamerobin), you need to fetch the "mghie" module from it.

In FlameRobin's source tree, create top-level directory named "build" or
something like that. Then, cd into it and run:


This should setup things properly. I recommend you use the same
--enable-debug or --disable-debug switch you used with wxWidgets. After
that, run

make install

And that should be it. Should you have any problems, feel free to
contact me directly, or join our mailing list (low traffic) at:

Milan Babuskov

Thursday, November 17, 2005

We got pictures from the Firebird Conference, made by our guys. In the first picture, you can see Milan, Nando and Michael. That`s the only picture with them. We don`t know why there aren`t any more pictures of them, but we assume beer is to be blamed :)

..:: ::..:: ::..

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

First pictures from the Conference

Here ya go, first pictures, hopefully we'll get some from our developers ( guys, come back with pictures, pretty please ).

..:: ::..:: ::..

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Firebird Conference 2005

Firebird Conference is kicking between November 13th and 15th in Prague, Czech Republic. Some of us, will be speakers at the conference. To be more specific, Milan Babuskov will present 2 papers, "FlameRobin - administration tool for Firebird DBMS" and "The power of Firebird events", and Nando Dessena will be also presenting 2 papers, "Using Delphi and InstantObjects with Firebird" and "Deploying Firebird transparently on Windows". You are more than welcomed to attend the events.

..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

flamerobin/firebird used in Race to Linux contest

"The real challenge was porting the database access layer. I've a lot of experience in Sql Server and found FireBird really powerfull, the database porting only took me a couple of days since FireBird is veryeasy to learn if you have a good MS Sql background. FlameRobin was very usefull to administer the database and execute testing scripts."

..:: ::..:: ::..

Saturday, September 24, 2005

flamerobin with g++4 (on ubuntu breezy)

now it compiles with g++4 (on 64 bit)

I have checkout ibpp 2.4 from cvs

cat ../

cvs -z3 co -r rel_2_4 -P ibpp2

and overwrote the version that is in flamerobin tree

seems i had to recompile wxwidgets ;)

When i started flamerobin got this message

The library used 2.6 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 102,wx containers,compatible with 2.4),

and your program used 2.6 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4).

Finally it worked after wxwidgets recompile

..:: ::..:: ::..::::..

Friday, September 23, 2005

flamerobin pr 0.4.0 announcement

added on : [file forum] [linux section only ]

..:: ::..:: ::..

developers developers developers ...ops

wrong blog ... nah , flamerobin flamerobin flamerobin , for :os-x, linux, and windows on fileforum ( now is updated

ps: i watched steve balmer's speak about developers ;) and the monkey dance

..:: ::..:: ::..

FlameRobin - administration tool for Firebird DBMS

Milan will speak about flamerobin at Firebird Conference

FlameRobin - administration tool for Firebird DBMS

FlameRobin is light-weight cross-platform Firebird administration tool built entirely with open source software. This session will cover the project's goals, history, and FlameRobin's features. It will also show some specifics of the tool, and ways to use it efficiently and effectively.

The power of Firebird events

Events are one of the least known features of Firebird. This session explains basics of event functionality, and then explores various ways to use events and possible configuration problems and issues. It also shows the possibility to use Firebird in an unusual way: Firebird acting as a chat server.

..:: ::..:: ::..

Friday, September 16, 2005

FlameRobin 0.4.0 released

After a long time, we finally made an official release again. 0.4.0
release brings some new features, a lot of bug fixes, and FreeBSD port.

Known issues:

- Backup and restore use display name instead of hostname. Be sure to
use the same if you backup/restore from FR

- On Linux and FreeBSD FlameRobin stores it's files in system wide
directories. This means that you cannot simply unpack and run it
anymore, you need to install it. To simplify the process, we provide a
Makefile in our binary packages. So, went you unpack the binary package,
just run "make install" as root. Alternatively, you can install from
.deb or .rpm package which don't require those steps.

Here's a list of new features and bugfixes since 0.2.5:

New features

- History of SQL statements, presistent even after closing program
- Activate/deactivate option for triggers
- "Drop multiple columns" option for tables
- Execute option for procedures
- Preferences can be set on database basis (ex. logging)
- Option to restore backup into new database
- Support for SET AUTODDL isql feature and option to automatically
commit DDL statements
- Support for RECREATE and CREATE OR ALTER statements
- FreeBSD port
- Support for computed columns (shown in tree, removed from insert
- Calltips for UDFs
- Properties page for UDFs
- Option "create new trigger" for tables and views
- Support for table indices - display, add, drop, recompute stats., edit
- Property page for view's triggers
- Select object's name in SQL editor and get its properties page
- Context menu for properties windows with options to print and save
- Implemented "open in new window" context menu option for properties
page links
- Added main menu for main application window
- Added "diplay name" to servers and databases
- "Connect as" option for databases: ability to connect as different
user/role without need to register new database

Enhancements and Bug fixes

- Fixed bug when password is supplied upon connecting
- Fixed parsing of committed statements when statement starts with a comment
- Main menu system reorganized
- Configuration files reorganized: user configuration files stored in
user's directories
- Option to hide the status bar
- Option to hide databases that are not connected
- Fixed background colors of read-only fields in various dialogs
- Fixed "no database assigned" error for new databases
- Made sure the statement with error is visible in large scripts
- Changed the execute key to F4, as F9 has a special meaning on some
- Long text now wraps on Dependencies page, making to easier to read
- Fixed scrollbar bugs of data grid with Linux port
- Mousewheel now works on Linux
- IBPP library sources added to the project
- Compare database's and connection charset and warn user if they differ
- Bigint datatype added to field properties dialog
- Option to disable autocompletion inside quoted text
- Fixed bug that sql editor dialog can have an empty title
- Improved handling of fatal exceptions
- ALTER TABLE x ALTER COLUMN y updates the tree/properties page
- Improved handling when adding NOT NULL columns
- Fixed bug when SP and triggers contained ampersand (&) in source (FR
would hang)
- Size and position of minimized windows is not stored anymore
- Pressing function keys and clicking buttons in SQL editor now does the
- Prompt to overwrite files when saving in SQL editor
- Faster startup upon connection since domains are loaded on-demand
- Dropping tables and views now properly removes triggers from tree
- Fixed parsing of CREATE,ALTER,DROP trigger statements (tables/views
get notified)
- Saving data to html file now uses default .html extension if user does
not supply it
- Fixed and improved dependencies detection for database objects
- Fixed logging to file: newlines are added when headers are off
- Registration of Firebird embedded server is now possible from application
- Firebird 1.5 charsets made available, charset box is user editable to
support future charsets
- Current tree item's database printed in status bar instead of tooltip
- Improved connecting speed by postponing loading of autogenerated
domain info

Milan Babuskov
..:: ::..:: ::..

Thursday, September 15, 2005

IBPP and FlameRobin

On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 12:25:24 +0200,
Milan Babuskov wrote:

MB> IBPP is now part of FlameRobin (sources are included in our tree), so no
MB> need to make IBPP package.

I just need to write a word of clarification here for people who do not
read the flamerobin-devel list. Though I very well know it wasn't the
intent of Milan to say so, the above sentence, taken of its context,
might be misunderstood by people at large.

What Milan wanted to say is that the FlameRobin project now has
integrated a copy of the source code of IBPP right in the codebase of
FlameRobin. This makes it easier for people to build FlameRobin from
sourcecode, since people don't need to also build IBPP by itself. It's
just built inside FlameRobin as if it was source code of FlameRobin.
That is a good simplification, which I am happy to have suggested to my
friends at FlameRobin.

Since FlameRobin uses a copy of the source code, from time to time, the
ibpp version integrated in FlameRobin may be or may not be the latest
version of ibpp. At any time the one found in FlameRobin will be the one
chosen by FlameRobin for their own needs. They may be using the
cutting-edge latest beta or alpha or be 2 released versions behind
(which I wouldn't believe by the way ;-) ).

This said, nothing changed regarding IBPP itself. It is and will stay an
independent project. An independent project which is happy being used
and relied upon by several open-source projects or commercial products,
including of course FlameRobin.

If you don't know yet about FlameRobin, I urge you to visit their
website at because this is an excellent piece
of software which I use daily for the vast majority of my Firebird
databases maintenance.


-- Olivier Mascia

..:: ::..:: ::..

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Changes in FlameRobin 0.4.0 ALPHA (not yet released)

New features

- History of SQL statements, presistent even after closing program
- Activate/deactivate option for triggers
- "Drop multiple columns" option for tables
- Execute option for procedures
- Preferences can be set on database basis (ex. logging)
- Option to restore backup into new database
- Support for SET AUTODDL isql feature and option to automatically commit DDL statements
- Support for RECREATE and CREATE OR ALTER statements

Enhancements and Bug fixes

- Fixed bug when password is supplied upon connecting
- Fixed parsing of committed statements when statement starts with a comment
- Main menu system reorganized
- Configuration files reorganized: user configuration files stored in user's directories
- Option to hide the status bar
- Option to hide databases that are not connected
- Fixed background colors of read-only fields in various dialogs
- Fixed "no database assigned" error for new databases
- Made sure the statement with error is visible in large scripts
- Changed the execute key to F4, as F9 has a special meaning on some platforms
- Long text now wraps on Dependencies page, making to easier to read
- Fixed scrollbar bugs of data grid with Linux port
- Mousewheel now works on Linux
- IBPP library sources added to the project
- Compare database's and connection charset and warn user if they differ
- Bigint datatype added to field properties dialog
- Option to disable autocompletion inside quoted text
- Fixed bug that sql editor dialog can have an empty title
- Improved handling of fatal exceptions

..:: ::..:: ::..

flamerobin on linux section

Some good soul added us on softpedia
(Not me )
next would be to be added in windows/mac section

..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Coding Conventions review

I'd like everybody involved in writing or changing code to take a
look at the Coding Conventions wiki page

and let us know about any remarks, missing pieces, proposed changes or
additions (without resurrecting issues already dealt with in the past,
if possible ;-)), so that we can consider the conventions valid and
reformatting work doesn't go wasted.

Nando Dessena
..:: ::..:: ::..

Monday, August 15, 2005

Flamerobin 0.3.0 released

We released a new version of Flamerobin, please download it and test it, there are some new features in it, as well as enhancements and bugfixes.

New features:

* Support for computed columns (shown in tree, removed from insert statements)

* Calltips for UDFs
* Properties page for UDFs
* Option "create new trigger" for tables and views
* Support for table indices - display, add, drop, recompute stats., edit descriptions
* Property page for view's triggers
* Select object's name in SQL editor and get its properties page
* Context menu for properties windows with options to print and save contents
* Implemented "open in new window" context menu option for properties page links
* Added main menu for main application window
* Added diplay name to servers and databases
* Connect as option for databases: ability to connect as different user/role without need to register new database

Enhancements and Bug fixes:

* ALTER TABLE x ALTER COLUMN y updates the tree/properties page
* Improved handling when adding NOT NULL columns
* Fixed bug when SP and triggers contained ampersand (&) in source (FR would hang)
* Size and position of minimized windows is not stored anymore
* Pressing function keys and clicking buttons in SQL editor now does the same
* Prompt to overwrite files when saving in SQL editor
* Faster startup upon connection since domains are loaded on-demand
* Dropping tables and views now properly removes triggers from tree
* Fixed parsing of CREATE,ALTER,DROP trigger statements (tables/views get notified)
* Saving data to html file now uses default .html extension if user does not supply it
* Fixed and improved dependencies detection for database objects
* Fixed logging to file: newlines are added when headers are off
* Registration of Firebird embedded server is now possible from application
* Firebird 1.5 charsets made available, charset box is user editable to support future charsets
* Current tree item's database printed in status bar instead of tooltip
* Improved connecting speed by postponing loading of autogenerated domain info

..:: ::..:: ::..

Friday, August 12, 2005

flamerobin on amd64

I have patched ibpp with help from Daniel Albuschat
then checked out flamerobin from cvs , configure, make with
proper IBPP directory
and now we have the amd64/emt64/x86-64 port

..:: ::..:: ::..

Thursday, August 11, 2005

array.cpp:1093 error in ibpp

I downloaded this version and tried to compile it and have some problems
(os : ubuntu hoary cpu:amd64)


~/work/flamerobin/ibpp23$ make

Platform : linux
Compiler : IBPP_GCC
Target : release

g++ -DIBPP_LINUX -DIBPP_GCC -I./ -I./fbheaders -O3
-orelease/linux/array.o -c array.cpp
array.cpp: In member function `virtual void
ibpp_internals::ArrayImpl::ReadTo(IBPP::ADT, void*, int)':
array.cpp:294: error: cannot convert `long int*' to `ISC_LONG*' in argument
array.cpp: In member function `virtual void
ibpp_internals::ArrayImpl::WriteFrom(IBPP::ADT, const void*, int)':
array.cpp:1093: error: cannot convert `long int*' to `ISC_LONG*' in argument
make: *** [release/linux/array.o] Error 1

UPDATE: now it works see above post

..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

FreeBSD port

"Today I managed to build IBPP on FreeBSD. Some minor changes were needed to the Makefile, and some thing are slightly different, but it compiles and works. I soon plan to create a document with instructions, and also send a patch to the Makefile.

For the test, I tried and successfully built mine FBCopy tool, and it works.

As this is part of porting FlameRobin to FreeBSD, I used IBPP version Would you like me to make patch against some other version?

Of course, I'm writing all this hoping that there is some interest in FreeBSD port."


Milan Babuskov on ibpp-discuss list

Friday, August 05, 2005

BFD 2.15 internal error when compiling flamerobin

/usr/bin/ld: BFD 2.15 internal error, aborting at ../../bfd/reloc.c line 4274 in bfd_generic_get_relocated_section_contents

/usr/bin/ld: Please report this bug.

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [flamerobin] Error 1

Friday, July 22, 2005

FlameRobin - why? part 3

Hello [Anonymous]!

> Nice work that you are doing! But please may you tell me why you
> invent the wheel again? There are enough good admin tools out there
> for Firebird: IBAdmin, IBExpert, ....

Those particular wheels don't work in Linux, Mac OS X, ...

> FlameRobin will never never never come to that quality of these
> tools, because they have years of development invested in this
> software and so they have a lot more expirience.

All of those you mentioned are way too bloated for my taste.

> Before you write a software that (I AM SORRY TO SAY THAT!) nobody
> needs, invest your time in help to push the Firebird project (the
> database itself).

Don't be sorry to say it. Not that your personal opinion matters that
much to me. But anyway, if half of those giving others good advise on
what they should invest their time into - and what not - would
*themselves* help any project to improve, OSS would be unstoppable indeed...


Michael Hieke

..:: ::..:: ::..

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Flamerobin 0.2.6

Fresh out of oven, we've released Flamerobin 0.2.6, get it while it's hot. As usual, it is intended only for the hardcore people, who don't mind the usual bugs that come with a CVS build. Get it, use it, pour your bugs on our mailinglist, so that we ( I mean they, the developers ) may shoot'em all.
..:: ::..:: ::..

Thursday, July 07, 2005

forgot to compile plugins and

I forgot this steps from wxFormBuilder compile instructions

"6. Repeat step 5 with src/plugins/standard/Makefile
7. Build src/
8. Build src/plugins/standard
9. Check if and are placed into bin/xml/"

..:: ::..:: ::..

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

wxFormBuilder - building ok

it crashed in boost library

[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 182961378352 (LWP 7434)]
wxFormBuilder: ../boost_1_31_0/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:254: T* boost::shared_ptr::operator->() const [with T = ObjectBase]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
[Switching to Thread 182961378352 (LWP 7434)]
0x0000002a96fad705 in raise () from /lib/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0000002a96fad705 in raise () from /lib/
#1 0x0000002a96faee8e in abort () from /lib/
#2 0x0000002a96fa72e2 in __assert_fail () from /lib/
#3 0x00000000004294e7 in boost::shared_ptr::operator-> (this=0x7864d8) at shared_ptr.hpp:254
#4 0x0000000000474610 in ApplicationData::GetSelectedForm (this=0x786490) at rad/appdata.cpp:294
#5 0x000000000046d4f4 in VisualEditor::Create (this=0x7ee370) at rad/designer/visualeditor.cpp:124
#6 0x0000000000470201 in VisualEditor::ProjectRefresh (this=0x7ee370) at rad/designer/visualeditor.cpp:495
#7 0x0000000000457598 in DataObservable::NotifyProjectRefresh (this=0x786490) at rad/appobserver.cpp:142
#8 0x0000000000477d42 in ApplicationData::NewProject (this=0x786490) at rad/appdata.cpp:719
#9 0x000000000044fc2d in MyApp::OnInit (this=0x65d000) at maingui.cpp:98
#10 0x000000000044fd16 in wxAppConsole::CallOnInit (this=0x65d000) at app.h:87
#11 0x0000002a9648c2a0 in wxEntry () from /opt/wxwidgets/lib/
#12 0x0000002a9648c36a in wxEntry () from /opt/wxwidgets/lib/
#13 0x000000000044f886 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fbffff7f8) at maingui.cpp:58

..:: ::..:: ::..

Thursday, June 30, 2005

time to spread flamerobin 0.2.5 - 35%

- [done by alex]
- [send it but they will reject it]
- [DONE]
- [DONE by lxer]
- [on blog]
- warp2search [done by alex]
- [done by alex]
- [done by alex]
- [DONE - not me ]
- [DONE]

..::::..:: ::..

wxformbuilder-20050626 - new release

still got problems building it (hope to solve it soon)
Some progress , I have installed wxProperyGrid , Next wxformbuilder will be recompiled

..:: ::..:: ::..

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

FlameRobin - why? part 2

[Anonymous] wrote:
> Hello guys!
> Nice work that you are doing! But please may you tell me why you invent the wheel again? There are enough good admin tools out there for Firebird: IBAdmin, IBExpert, ....
We write code because is fun and is good to learn something new.
Thouse tools are for money and don't work on all platforms :linux,os-x,
bsd, solaris .From what i know.
> FlameRobin will never never never come to that quality of these tools, because they have years of development invested in this software and so they have a lot more expirience.
The same was said about linux and look at it now , On servers nothing
can beat it (check top500 of supercomputers). And is ready for desktop
fight too (take a look at ubuntu, or mandriva)
> Before you write a software that (I AM SORRY TO SAY THAT!) nobody needs, invest your time in help to push the Firebird project (the database itself).
I invest my time in learning firebird code too , and for c++ development
flamerobin source code is a better starting place to play with.
Firebird needs an crossplatform administration tool (open source)

like postgresql have it also mysql is working
for one


Marius - proudly supporting

..:: ::..:: ::..

FlameRobin - why?

MG> Nice work that you are doing! But please may you tell me why
MG> you invent the wheel again? There are enough good admin tools out
MG> there for Firebird: IBAdmin, IBExpert, ....

please read the first 5 lines of our home page at and you'll see that what we are building
doesn't exist yet. You have probably missed them, so I am pasting here
the relevant part for your convenience:

Our goal is to build a tool that is:
- lightweight (small footprint, fast execution)
- cross-platform (Linux, Windows for start, others planned too)
- dependant only on other open source software

MG> Before you write a software that (I AM SORRY TO SAY THAT!)
MG> nobody needs, invest your time in help to push the Firebird
MG> project (the database itself).

Thank you for your comments. I certainly know a handful of people that
do need FlameRobin, and they are all being CC'd in this message. :-)
So your assumption is wrong, even without counting the thousands of
downloads the project has had so far.

Let us know if you need any further clarification.
-- Nando Dessena

..:: ::..:: ::..

Friday, June 24, 2005

FreeBSD port - warnocked

i'm considering to make a FreeBSD port of FlameRobin. I'd like to know if
there are any FreeBSD users reading this list?


P.S. A port to Solaris seems also doable (FB and wx work), but I don't have
Solaris (or Sparc hardware) around, so it'll have to wait for contributors.
Milan Babuskov

..:: ::..

wx2.6.1 wxformbuilder - building status

well i got some errors with wxformbuilder and i'm stuck a little bit with it:
In file included from rad/inspector/objinspect2.cpp:24:
rad/inspector/objinspect2.h:42: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `

..:: ::..

Thursday, June 23, 2005


On the mailing list Milan wrote:

Lately I have been testing wxFormBuilder. It is a very good wxWidgets
GUI dialog builder. It is written in C++ and works on Windows and Linux.
The tools seems really stable and robust. It has nicer code generation
than wxGlade, much closer to what we use in FR. I supports
wxFlexGridSizer, a really important one.

I really recommend it for anyone who's writing new dialogs for FR. It is
good to setup the dialog initially, and later just add styleguide() stuff.

Milan Babuskov

..:: ::..

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

1,600 downloads until now

I hope download rate will increase a bit (after adding release news on freshmeat...)

..:: ::..

0.2.5 release is complete now - osx build added

It is uploaded to main download area

..:: ::..

Friday, June 10, 2005

Firebird admin tool - article in macedonian

I don't understand what he writes :)
Is good that mentions flamerobin and firebird

update : is Macedonian language not Russian

..:: ::..

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

sourcemage distro bumped flamerobin version

They updated from flamerobin 0.2.0 to 0.2.5
is nice that we are included in at least one distro

It would be nice if flamerobin will be added in debian
I don't promise anything ...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Alternative forum for is created

Is an alternative to mailing list hosted on (it will not replace it)
Some people like to post/read on forums.

[Update: forum is gone maybe someday we will move to phpbb3 under an firebird general forum
please use the list for the moment]

FlameRobin V0.2.5 Alpha is available for download

FlameRobin V0.2.5 Alpha is available for download. For more details, read the release notes. FlameRobin is an open source, lightweight and cross-platform GUI administration and management tool for Firebird.

..:: ::..

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Usage Statistics For FlameRobin

Sourceforge restored projects stats . Graphs for last 12 months (Downloads, Hits)
are generated

Monday, May 30, 2005

FlameRobin heats up...

For those of you who'd like to know what's happening behind "the closed doors".

There is currently heavy activity on going to get 0.2.5 release out. We are browsing through bugs and features and testing to see if everything works as advertised. After this release, the roadmap will be discussed, and future direction established. I myself expect a really hot summer of FlameRobin development.

Personally, I have moved a lot of my development environment to Linux, and I'm using FlameRobin on it more and more, so some Linux specific stuff is going to be tested much better, and some Linux specific features implemented. For example, FlameRobin's windows have got the names, so they can be manipulated via IceWM. One of the things I like, is to keep main FR window in systray. So, if you run IceWM, just add this to your winoptions file:

FlameRobin_main.icon: flamerobin
FlameRobin_main.tray: Exclusive

Of course, an ugly X icon will be shown, but you can use some of icons in res/ directory in CVS (ex. fricon.xpm), and make it shine. Here's a cool screenshot of my desktop while doing FR development.

..:: ::..

Sunday, May 29, 2005

We have updated the FlameRobin Roadmap

We have updated the FlameRobin Roadmap. You may find it here.
Please feel free to contact us regarding the roadmap, bugs, feature requests, any other questions you may have regarding FlameRobin.